Hello world, take 4

Yeah, you’ve read it right! This blog is my fourth attempt to come back to write a blog, my previous attempts was using Blogger, WordPress (the free one and not host it myself) and enki (open source blog ruby based).

None of them I’ve write too much, I’ve made I think, two posts and after at most migrate the posts from one platform to another. The previous posts is worthless to migrate to here, because it’s about other subjects which I don’t care too much.

Though, I always thought if I can learn from others through open source or other sites and blogs, why can’t give back?

Since, we’re here what kind of subject I can give back. As some of you, probably, found me through my site and know a little bit about me, to the others my name is Bruno, I’m a full stack developer from Brazil working mainly with ruby, NodeJS (for the backend part) and on the frontend is a miscellaneous things (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and react).

Besides that, I like to automate all the things (kind of a DevOps) some of the things I’ve made in the past are: publish npm packages directly on package registry, build docker images to push into container registry and others like receive an alert from Heroku through a bot on a slack room.

Probably, I’ve write a brief introduction about my experience and on the next posts I’ll expand more about some of the subjects I’ve learned.

See you soon!